Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Do you live to eat or eat to live?
God placed an abundance of good food for us on this earth. Why sleepwalk through life with the same menu night after night? Too many people walk through life with their eyes closed, purchasing the same food items week after week, and numb their taste buds in the process.
I recently discovered the State Farmer's Market. It was like food heaven! There was a plethora of delights from all over the world. Why settle for cereal when you can eat delightful dishes like cottage cheese with sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds as I did yesterday?
Maybe seeds aren't your thing, how about yogurt layered with fresh berries and granola? Starbucks and McD's makes a fortune off this menu item-someone's eating it.
Skip the gooey sugar glazed donut or the toaster streudel. Reach out for a more inventive breakfast. Today, I enjoyed 2 slices of turkey bacon. A slice of toasted organic bread with orange zest, cranberries and walnuts. And, a dish of fresh berries-raspberries and strawberries, with a dollop of mascarpone cheese. Mascarpone cheese? It costs about the same as cream cheese, but it's fresher, creamier, sweeter, and less 'expected.' It took less than five minutes to prepare and surprised my taste buds. When't the last time you surprised your taste buds?
With every bite, I thank God for giving me a menu bigger than bagels and bannanas.
God is so good to us. He offers us a wide variety of fruits and vegetables; a bountiful harvest. We should embrace His offering with gusto. Wake up your taste buds. Step up to the table. Provide more than sustenance to your family, provide nourishment and knowledge of God's abundant provision.
Last night, I prepared baked stuffed artichokes the size of two fists, with a prepared bruschetta toast on the side. Do you know my kids were so excited about that meal, which I prepared in less than 20 minutes, that one of my children was prompted to ask instead of a family birthday meal out at a restaurant, could I please cook two stuffed artichokes just for him. Now, that would be a simple celebration and save about $100!
The joy of introducing my family to the foods God has provided us is a little game in my household. In fact, we have a rule, one must try at least one bite of everything prepared for a meal. It's referred to as a Thank You bite. One tries the food to thank the cook for their effort, to thank God for the provision, and, ultimately, to see if picky taste buds might discover a new food to enjoy. With five children of our own, we often have extra teenage guests at our dinner table. They are all usually up for the one bite game, as it is a standing rule with rarely an exception.
Every single time someone new comes to our table, there is some food item that is new to them. This is unplanned and we marvel at how it happens each time. It has been as simple as a black olive, feta cheese, an artichoke, honey carrots or white chicken chili. And, usually, the guest is fairly welcome to the taste of their new food item. It is a great conversation starter about foods and the goodness of God's provision. It allows us to plant many seeds.
I am Italian, so naturally, I am enthralled with food period. Not to the extreme, mind you; self-control in all things. I am simply grateful God has provided so many wonderful delights for me to enjoy and that He has graciously skilled me in the kitchen.
When I walk through a grocery store or a farmer's market, it is better than a Godiva chocolatier-and that says a lot! I rarely leave with less than a dozen choices; it is so hard to say no to a fresh, crunchy red or yellow pepper, the promise of a cluster of vine ripe tomatoes, the thought of crisp Belgian endive, or the wonder of a ripening avocado. And, as I make my selections, I marvel at God's provision. How He is such a wonderful, masterful creator. And, how He takes care of each and every one of His creations. And, how He delights in us enough to provide such a variety of delightful foods. Afterall, He could have simply planted banana trees and said "eat all you want." I love bananas, but I also love carimbola, coconut, kiwi, blackberries, watermelon, and Asian pears. The list goes on.
Next time you wander through the countryside and see miles after mile of farmland, or take your weekly trip to a grocery store and see fresh produce, pause to count your blessings, thank the Great Provider, and consider what food you might try anew. You might consider adopting the one Thank you bite rule. Who knows you and your family might soon be exploring a bountiful harvest together.
Happy Harvest!


  1. AMEN to that. How about you make the artichokes next time you come down. Sounds delicious!!!!! Or send me the recipe.

  2. Ah. A wonderful day at the market
