Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:26 NIV).
No time more than now have I had to reflect upon the words of Matthew. It's not surprise, we have all felt the affects of the economic crisis, and my family is caught right up there with our fellow citizens in the midst of it all. Two degrees, no job offers for me. My husband lost his job and two months later was offered a new position with a significant pay cut. Recently, the second job he holds to keep us afloat was cut due to the economy. We are feeling the financial crunch in a significant way. It is faith that gets us through.
My pact with God is that I will keep writing the checks to pay the bills, if He keeps providing the cash flow. And, He is an amazing provider.
With the most recent news of the second income loss, comes greater reductions. My recent fervent conversation with God was that I'd keep writing those checks, even this month, but in addition to the monthly bills, He would also have to take care of feeding my family until the next pay check. (As if He doesn't already do this, but it gave me comfort to specifically point out this need).
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Math 6:26 NIV).
I, like the birds of the air, am not sowing, no job offers come my way. (Yet, I have actively pursued them). Not to mention, I am very focused on God's calling for me to write this book (
Eat, Love, Praise Him), and care for my family. Five children are a huge gift from God and it takes constant work to manage and care for them. Where would a job even fit in at this time? It doesn't make sense, but God tells me to trust Him, keep praying, and walk in faith and obedience. So, I do my best.
Do you know how He responds? He is so loving and so faithful! Every check I wrote this month, He covered. And, as far as the feeding of my family? Here is the grace and humor He used to fulfill that prayer:
On Tuesday, a friend in need called me over. It was dinnertime. She had food, but no focus to prepare it for her family. So, I prepared it and was, ultimately, invited to join her for dinner (with my children).
On Wednesday, I was running my errands and decided to drop in on a friend to wish her well on a family trip she was preparing to take. As I was leaving, she asked, "Would you do me a favor? Would you take a casserole I made last night home to your family so I don't have to waste it?" And, she pulled out the loveliest chicken casserole I have ever seen. She had a handful of fresh vegetables that would have otherwise wasted on her week long trip away.
The next day, I tossed a salad and invited a friend to join me for the casserole. No reason to horde the food. God will continue to provide for our needs. Has He not already shown me that? That beautiful casserole somehow provided lunch with a friend and her daughter, two dinners for myself and family and a tasty lunch for me. It's amazing how He can stretch one casserole!
This is nowhere near the end of His grace.
The next night, I cooked up the vegetables my friend provided and made some fluffy biscuits from scratch for a perfect country vegetable platter. I'm a good southern girl, of course I have shortening and flour as staples in my pantry at all times. Again, we had a nourishing meal and full bellies.
The next night, we had a late lunch and were winding down our day near 7:30 at night. We were out in the neighborhood and my daughter and I smelled someone grilling on this typical summer night. The aroma was awakening family memories of summer cookouts past, our taste buds, and our tummies.
"Wouldn't you just love to have a hamburger tonight?" we said almost at the same time. Now, I can't remember the last time we had a family invitation to dinner at someone's house, but we jokingly said, "Yes! Why doesn't someone invite us over to cookout?" We continued our evening jaunt for another thirty minutes, enjoying the warm summer night. On the last leg of our journey, we passed a friend and her children, whom we haven't seen in a couple of weeks. We chatted. And, almost as if in passing, she said, "We're going to throw some hamburgers on the grill when we get home, if you haven't eaten yet, we'd love to have you and the kids over."
She did not know of our earlier thoughts of grilling burgers. How could this happen? How could she know that at now already 8 pm, we had not yet eaten dinner? We squealed in delight and agreed. After she left, we giggled over our earlier comments about wanting a hamburger and an invitation to grill out. And, how God heard our every word!
God has such an amazing sense of humor. Not only another meal, but grilled hamburgers-the request of our heart!
We darted home to rummage for the rest of the lettuce from the salad and onions and condiments to share with our hostess.
Of course, God wanted to show us that He had prepared not simply a burger for us, but a banquet. Not only did we have grilled burgers, they were smothered in grilled onions, mushrooms, cheddar cheese and bacon! These were mouth-watering, gourmet-style, grilled hamburgers-straight from our Father in heaven.
Our hostess was also going on a week long summer trip and offered us milk, bread, pizza and barbecue that she was planning to toss out before leaving!
I know what you are thinking. That the food and meals provided were charity, but you would be wrong. You can walk into my house at any time and see a pantry stocked with canned goods, and, until recently when the thermostat blew, two freezers full of frozen foods. These friends were not providing due to our circumstances. They were not yet even aware of the second loss of income. These friends, good natured and God-centered at heart, were following the calling of the Holy Spirit. God was showering my family and me with a week's worth of food and grace.
I am eager to do my own grocery shopping for my family in the near future. I love grocery shopping. It brings me pleasure. And, God always provides a bountiful harvest for my family. I have no doubt He will continue to do so.
This amazing week of God's grace has shown me how He is a great provider. How He feeds even the birds of the air and He will continue to provide and continue to feed my family, despite our current circumstances. I simply have to walk in faith and trust Him.
Imagine how peace might settle over our country at times like these, if each family would turn to the Lord in prayer and simply say, "I trust you, Jesus." Imagine the grace we'd see and the peace that would settle over our earth?
Imagine how even our tiniest offers of community touch the lives of our neighbors and friends. These women probably didn't know. They did what I have done many times before, they reached out to share with a friend some of the bounty God provides. In turn, they showed me and my family the very face of our Lord and His abundant love.
I pray that this week you see God's grace in a new way in your own life. And, you look for ways to share more of His grace and peace with others.